If you are considering going on holiday then now is the time to check whether you need to re-new your passport as the fees are increasing on March 27th.
The present fees for an adult passport are £72.50 and will be increasing to £85. This is for all postal applications.
The present fees for a child under the age of 16 passports are £46 and will be increasing to £58.50. This is an increase of a whopping 27%!
Fees for Fast Track applications will rise by £39 for adults to £142 and now be £122 for children. The new rules will also introduce a premium collect service which will cost adults £177 and children £151
If you want to avoid paying the increased fees and save yourself some money then now is the time to send off your applications. Online applications will also rise but by less. The fees for adults will be £75.50 and a child will be £49.
It is expected to generate an additional income of £50 million for HM Passport Office in the year 2018-2019.
The reason behind this is to reduce administrative costs and encourage people to use the on-line service. However not everybody has access to the internet or is internet savvy!
If your passport is due for renewal then act fast!
Ayesha Nayyar
Principal Solicitor