Criminal Injuries
Victims of Violence
If you have been the victim of violent crime or an assault, then you may have been injured. The physical and mental trauma of being attacked can have a long-term effect. Relatives may also be able to make a CICA claim if a loved one dies as a result of a violent crime. This includes a spouse or partner, natural or adoptive parents, a parental guardian, and the children or step-children of a victim.
You could be entitled to compensation. We are specialist solicitors who can make a claim for you with an organisation called The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). They are a Government organisation that are funded by the Ministry of Justice. They compensate the victims of violence for their injuries. They can also provide support to help you get your life back on track.
If you have any previous convictions, this may affect your entitlement to making a claim.
You may have to act fast if you have been injured. There is a time limit of 2 years to lodge your claim. The quicker it is done the better. The claims themselves can take a while to process by the CICA and therefore it is important that you contact us straight away.

The CICA will investigate the incident and obtain any police reports, medical records and reports. They will review these before they decide whether they will award compensation.
The CICA work on a tariff system when making awards for different injuries. The amounts are fixed and the minimum payment is £1000. The maximum you can receive is £500,000.
If you have been off work because of your injury, you can also claim for loss of earnings. However, usually you have to be unable to work or have very limited ability to work for 28 weeks or longer to be eligible. A payment will not be made for the first 28 weeks you were not able to work.
Your attacker does not have to be identified or caught for your claim to be successful. However, you do have to have co-operated with the police in helping them try and find your attacker. You may still be able to claim even if there was no criminal conviction.
- Attacked whilst being robbed at home
- Attacked in a road rage incident
- Stabbed with a knife whilst out with friends
- Acid thrown whilst in a busy place
- Attacked whilst trying to break up a fight in a nightclub
- Assault by ex-partner
- Battered whilst working as a security guard
- Sexually assaulted by a relative
Our lawyers will deal with you case in a sensitive and professional manner. Our years of experience in this area means we know that making a CICA claim can be stressful. Our aim is to always try and make the case proceed as smoothly as possible ensuring you receive the maximum compensation.
These cases are dealt with on a No Win No Fee Basis. You will not have to pay anything upfront and fees are only paid if your case is successful.