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what to do if you are physically assaulted uk

6th November 2020


Know your rights when it comes to cohabitation: If you've recently moved in with a partner...
2nd November 2020
Neighbour Disputes

Neighbour Disputes

Do you have a dispute with your neighbour that is causing you sleepless nights?
2nd November 2020


Redundancy is a big concern for people especially with furlough finishing and employers being asked for bigger wage contributions, they will be making difficult decisions. The R word is on a lot of people’s minds at present and sadly everyone worried needs to think about a contingency plan. It is important that you are prepared and know your legal rights
21st October 2020
How Much Does A Divorce Cost

How Much Does A Divorce Cost?

When a marriage breaks down the next step is to apply for a divorce. Is getting a divorce expensive? Can a divorce be cheap? And how can you limit the costs?
28th September 2019
Can You Claim Compensation for Being Attacked

Can You Claim Compensation for Being Attacked?

If you have been attacked then you may be able to claim compensation for the damage and stress caused. This can be an important step in […]